Go Best Mattress

Can I spray Lysol on my mattress?

Can I Spray Lysol on My Mattress?

Considering using Lysol to freshen up your mattress? This guide provides insights and precautions to ensure a safe and effective cleaning process. 

“Clean mattresses, rest easy.”

We’ve all been there – your mattress doesn’t smell quite as fresh as it used to, or you’ve spilled something on it, and you’re left wondering, Can I spray Lysol on my mattress? It’s a common question, and in this user-friendly guide, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of using Lysol on your mattress. We’ll also provide you with tips on keeping your mattress clean and fresh without risking damage.

Lysol is a household disinfectant that contains a range of chemicals designed to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses. It’s a powerful cleaning agent, but it’s not without its drawbacks.

Can I Spray Lysol Directly on My Mattress?

The short answer is that you can, but there are some precautions to keep in mind. Spraying Lysol directly onto your mattress can be harmful if not done correctly.

  • Potential Side Effects

Lysol contains chemicals that can be harsh on your skin and eyes. If not used correctly, it can lead to skin irritation, allergies, or respiratory problems. These are concerns you’ll want to avoid, especially when it comes to your bed.

The Proper Way to Use Lysol on Your Mattress

If you decide that using Lysol is the right choice for you, here’s a user-friendly guide to doing it safely and effectively:

  1. Test a Small Area First

Before spraying Lysol all over your mattress, do a patch test. Choose an inconspicuous spot and spray a small amount. Wait for a few hours to see if there’s any adverse reaction, like discoloration or an unpleasant odor. If all seems fine, proceed with caution.

  1. Proper Ventilation

Ensure your bedroom is well-ventilated. Open a window and allow fresh air to circulate while you’re working on your mattress. This will help dissipate any fumes from the Lysol and ensure a safe environment.

  1. Use Lightly

Don’t go overboard with the Lysol. A little goes a long way. Lightly mist the surface of your mattress, keeping the spray at a distance. You want to avoid soaking the mattress.

  1. Allow Time to Dry

Give your mattress time to air out and dry thoroughly. This may take a few hours, so it’s best to plan ahead and do this on a day when you won’t need your mattress for a while.

  1. Cover Your Mattress

Consider investing in a mattress protector or cover. This can help prevent the need for frequent deep cleaning, as it acts as a barrier against spills, stains, and odors.

Alternatives to Lysol for Mattress Cleaning

If you’re hesitant about using Lysol or want to explore more mattress-friendly options, here are some alternatives:

  1. Baking Soda:

Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on your mattress, let it sit for a few hours, and then vacuum it up. Baking soda is great at absorbing odors.

  1. White Vinegar:

Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist your mattress and allow it to air dry. The vinegar smell will dissipate as it dries.

  1. Essential Oils:

Create a natural mattress spray using essential oils like lavender or tea tree. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in water and lightly mist your mattress. These oils have pleasant scents and may have mild antibacterial properties.

What Are Tips for Keeping Your Mattress Fresh?

Maintaining a clean and fresh mattress doesn’t always require heavy-duty disinfectants. Here are some user-friendly tips for routine mattress care:

  1. Regular Vacuuming:

Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove dust, allergens, and debris from your mattress.

  1. Rotate Your Mattress:

Rotate your mattress every few months to ensure even wear and tear. This can extend its lifespan and maintain its comfort.

  1. Wash Bedding:

Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protector regularly to prevent the buildup of sweat, dust, and allergens.

  1. Sunlight Exposure:

If possible, allow your mattress to get some sunlight. Sunlight can help kill bacteria and eliminate odors.

  1. Handle Spills Promptly:

Accidents happen. When you spill something on your mattress, blot it immediately with a clean, dry cloth. This can prevent stains and odors from setting in.


In the quest for a clean and fresh mattress, using Lysol can be an option, but it must be done with care. Remember to follow the precautions and consider alternatives that might be gentler on your mattress and your health.

Ultimately, keeping your mattress fresh isn’t about drastic measures; it’s about regular maintenance and preventive steps. With the right care, you can enjoy a good night’s sleep on a clean and inviting mattress, ensuring that you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.